Google Translate me please …
I use Google Reader to follow industry blogs about things like PHP and Java. One of the nice things that...
We have a new President !
I took the day off and spent it at my father-in-law’s house, watching all the excitement in Washington D.C. I...
Martin Luther King Day – I Have a Dream
Today is Martin Luther King Day. One day before the biggest inauguration since George Washington, and only 46 years since...
7 strategies or 12 steps
This Saturday, Joel Deceuster presented his 7 strategies for planning your career. Joel created these seven focusing strategies as something...
Flying Higher (power)
When I was a little boy, I used to love to fly those balsa wood airplanes.You know, the ones that...
Consulting Can’t Scale
I was talking to some friends last night about how we have a nice team of consultants that could do...
Another great reason to use a GPS when cycling
Back in the summer of 2007, I was riding my bike every day from John Muir Health to my home...
EJB or not JB? That is the question (sort of) …
I recently read a post on LinkedIn on the WAFUG group by Andrew Hedges: Frameworks or libraries? “Frameworks are larger...
Content that’s too dynamic …
Recently I’ve been noticing that ad content is being served up much more dynamically than I’d expect. When I’m looking...
They don’t shoot Eagles do They ?
When I was a boy, we lived in south eastern Alaska in the small chain of islands north of Ketchikan,...