Java 7 and Mac OS X
After getting my new Mac Mini pretty well set up with my development tools, I started playing with Amazon AWS....
Continuous Integration: Missing mcrypt
I’m doing some work on a project that is using PHP, and have been working on setting up some...
Installing Doxygen on Mac OS X
Just a quick note – I was guided toward doxygen, which is a tool that does source code documentation. It...
Using Firebug and jQuerify to Filter a Page
I love Firebug, and I’m getting so I understand jQuery pretty well. I often drop into the console and type...
How to Map a SharePoint Drive on Windows 7
For ease of use, it helps to be able to treat a SharePoint document library as a file folder on...
Mac OS X Lion (Look Ma, No DVD)
I updated to OS X Lion a couple of days ago, and for the most part it was a smooth...
Microsoft tries to Think Different
I got an email from Microsoft today (Office Insider) that included an article about how to add a calendar to...
Where did my space go ?
The other day I got a notification from the Plesk control panel for Carticipate telling me that the user account...
Version problems? To the Cloud !
Image via Wikipedia I was on my way home from a business trip and wanted to print my boarding pass....
How to Copy a SharePoint Site
I had a bit of a fire drill the other day when a SharePoint site that I had been using...