How to change printer’s IP address on Mac OS X
I was updating my network to use a different subnet and realized that the last time I did that, my...

Make Chrome Accept a Self-Signed Certificate (on OSX)
In this post I'll show you how to add a self-signed certificate to Chrome on your Mac (OSX) machine.
Migrate JavaEE from Single Tier VM (Step 1)
I manage a small application that is hosted on a single Linux virtual machine and have noticed some occasional performance...
Changing RHEL6 to CentOS packages
Recently I was using a canned VM that had RedHat EL6 loaded on it, and needed to add a package,...
Getting the correct timezone in a web application
I support a web application that is hosted on a virtual private server. The application architecture is JavaEE running under...
Chrome: Awww Snap!
Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of the annoying message about pages dying on Chrome. For the most part it’s...

Hacking a Theme
I was setting up a temporary WordPress site for a client as a placeholder for their business. All they wanted...

WordPress on CPanel
I had to set up a WordPress instance on a server where my only real access is via cPanel, so...