Using Firebug and jQuerify to Filter a Page
I love Firebug, and I’m getting so I understand jQuery pretty well. I often drop into the console and type...
Microsoft tries to Think Different
I got an email from Microsoft today (Office Insider) that included an article about how to add a calendar to...
Where did my space go ?
The other day I got a notification from the Plesk control panel for Carticipate telling me that the user account...
Facebook Annoyances …
I’ve been busy, so I haven’t logged into Facebook for a while now. I ran into somebody who said to...
Out of the box Sharepoint Workflows
As a project manager, I’m often faced with the problem of how to deal with configuration management, which is how...
Live Mesh Beta on Snow Leopard Login Problem Fix
Image via CrunchBase I’ve been playing with the beta of Live Mesh from Microsoft for some time now, and find...
Best Google Voice transcription yet …
I love Google Voice. It’s an inspired system that gives me a permanent number that I use as the way...
Controlling Yahoo Groups email reception
…Or, how to reduce email without leaving the group… I work with a job search group called Job Connections (
Premium Plaxo for Comcast users …
I recently switched from DSL (which I’d had since it first was invented) to Comcast Cable for my Internet connection...
GTUG Campout – doin’ the Wave …
I recently attended the Google Technology User Group Campout at the Googleplex in Mountain View. This was a three day...