Cloudy with a chance of Apps …
Since last week, I’ve been immersed in coding and development education about various cloud applications. First there were a couple...
Hey you get offa my cloud …
I’ve been using some of the more interesting “cloud” applications recently: Google Apps, Live Mesh and a few others. I’m...
Oracle and Sun – Better Microsoft competition ?
I was thinking about this as I drove to work this morning: what is the real business value to Oracle...
How to delete your Google account
If you’re like me, you eventually end up with too many identities. I haven’t figured out how to associate different...
Getting a Google login for your existing email address
Step 1 – Simulating an email alias using a Google Group The last couple of days, I’ve been involved in...
Stupid Firebug tricks …
Recently I’ve been doing some web page work again, and trying to push the envelope on my CSS knowledge. I...
Share A Calendar with a Group …
One of the things I always struggle with as a project manager is how to communicate availability. If I’m using...
Google Translate me please …
I use Google Reader to follow industry blogs about things like PHP and Java. One of the nice things that...
EJB or not JB? That is the question (sort of) …
I recently read a post on LinkedIn on the WAFUG group by Andrew Hedges: Frameworks or libraries? “Frameworks are larger...
Content that’s too dynamic …
Recently I’ve been noticing that ad content is being served up much more dynamically than I’d expect. When I’m looking...