Moving my VolunteerCake to my Mac …
I have been running my development for VolunteerCake with a database on my Windows box which sits in my office...
CakePHP and RESTful Web Services – debug problems
I ran into an odd problem with the way Cake is coded that tripped me up for a couple of...
CakePHP and RESTful Web Services …
I’m on a quest to make my application provide RESTful web services. After much digging, I found a post by...
Shift my economic paradigm
I was sitting in an interesting presentation tonight that was about managing your career called “8 Essential Levers for Job... application hosting cache issue
I have a new open source project at VolunteerCake that is using their recently released web hosting service. This service...
Fun with HTML and CSS
I spent some time yesterday figuring out CSS problems for Job Connections. The Job Connections site was built using a...
Plaxo: the service I love/hate
A couple of days back, I solved a problem I was having with Plaxo. For a few weeks, I was...